Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Congressional Bill for World Peace

There aren't too many bills on the floor of the US House that are truly bipartisan, but H. Res. 278 is one them.  The bill, which was introduced as a result of the April 2010 Nuclear Security Summit, works toward a peacefull world in two very important ways.  First, it commits the US to reduce it's nuclear stockpile, and to negotiate with other countries to do the same, so that the threat of nuclear annhilation will remain far from the minds of our grandchildren.  Second, it commits funding (around $13 billion) towards programs that help increase global child survival rates.  How does the second way help to create a peacefull world, you might ask?  Because if we remove the reasons for violence in societies - poverty, hunger, unequal access to resources and wealth, and lack of education - then we come one step closer to a world that is less filled with carnage and death.  Click on the link above to print and send a letter to your congressional rep. to co-sponsor this bill for world peace!

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